Velkommen til Tilladelse til at legeEn revolutionerende tilgang til intimitet, samtykke og forbindelse.
Her, Kommunikation er nøglen, grænser respekteres, og der opfordres til udforskning.-Alt sammen på en sikker, legende og styrkende måde.
Med vores Ja / Måske / Nej Systemkan du og din partner udtrykke ønsker, sætte klare grænser og navigere i intimitet med selvtillid.
Uanset om du vil styrke dit forhold, udforske nye oplevelser eller bare fremme en åben dialog, Permission Play gør processen sjov, respektfuld og fri for pres.
Samtykke er ikke bare nødvendigt - det er spændende!
Er du klar til at gå på opdagelse? Lad os lege.
Samtykke er grundlaget for tillid og intimitet. Det giver partnerne mulighed for at udtrykke deres grænser åbent og selvsikkert og skabe et sikkert og respektfuldt rum for kontakt.
Kommunikation bygger bro over kløften mellem ønsker og forståelse. Ved at dele tanker og følelser kan par afstemme deres forventninger og skabe dybere følelsesmæssige bånd.
Leg bringer sjov og kreativitet ind i forholdet. Den opmuntrer til udforskning på en munter måde og gør intimitet til et glædeligt og fælles eventyr.
Ved at omfavne Ja / Måske / Nej SystemPermission Play gør det nemt at navigere i intimitet, fjerne usikkerhed og samtidig fremme dybere tillid, leg og kontakt.
Gå ud og dyk ned i Permission Play
Tag med Michael Fray & Atlas til Erotic World i Valby, København!
Erfaring engagerende og tankevækkende foredrag på Permission Play, intimitet og begær med sexologer Michael Fray og Atlas. Fang dem live Torsdag, fredag og lørdag for inspirerende sessioner, der udforsker kommunikation, samtykke og legende udforskning i parforhold.
Gå ikke glip af denne chance for at Lær, grin og opdag nye perspektiver på Erotic World, Valby!
As children, we play all the time. We are curious, we explore, we laugh, and we enjoy ourselves. But as we grow up, responsibilities take over, and many of us forget how to play. We become efficient partners in handling daily life, but we lose the fun, excitement, and spontaneity that made our relationships special in the first place.
When we stop playing, we stop connecting deeply. Play is not just about having fun—it’s about staying close, feeling alive, and keeping the spark alive in a relationship. Play allows us to let go, be present, and share joy with our partner.
For many adults, the sexual space is one of the last places where play is still allowed. It’s where we can be curious, adventurous, and creative together. Tilladelse til at lege is designed to help couples rediscover this sense of play in a way that is safe, pressure-free, and fun.
The website is designed as a quick and easy introduction to the Tilladelse til at lege concept. It explains how it works and provides simple tips to help couples get started.
I wanted to make it accessible so that people can immediately understand the idea and apply it to their relationships—without feeling overwhelmed or needing to read a full book first.
For those who want a deeper dive, my book "Permission Play" provides a complete guide with exercises, real-life examples, and practical tools to make the concept part of everyday life.
Because “Permission Play” sounds way better than “Consent Fun” in Danish! 😄
There are so many modern concepts that use Play in their name, which makes it feel fresh, engaging, and playful. I also wanted a title that would resonate internationally, so keeping it in English made the most sense.
Let’s take an example of a couple, Mette and Anders, who have been together for ten years. They love each other, but their busy lives have made their sex life a bit routine. It’s good, but not very exciting anymore.
One day, Mette stumbles upon Tilladelse til at lege and suggests they try it. They go to the website and read about the system. Then, they take a list of different ideas—ranging from romantic gestures to playful, adventurous experiences.
Each of them marks "Yes," "Maybe," or "No" on various suggestions and then they compare their answers.
To their surprise, they discover that they both marked "Maybe" on trying an erotic massage. They had never talked about it before, but now they realize they are both curious. Since it’s a Måske for both, they decide to give it a try one weekend, knowing that it’s just for fun and there’s no pressure.
The magic of Permission Play is that it removes the guessing game and the fear of rejection. Couples don’t have to worry about saying the wrong thing or making things awkward. It’s all about creating a space where both partners feel safe and excited to explore together.
Den website is a quick introduction with some basic tips to help couples understand the concept and try it out immediately.
Den book goes much deeper. It’s a step-by-step guide that walks couples through the entire process, with real-life examples, exercises, and inspiration for how to integrate Permission Play into their relationship.
The book is for those who want to fully embrace the idea and make it a natural part of their love life.
The book is for any couple that wants to bring back playfulness, passion, and curiosity into their relationship.
Whether a couple is adventurous or reserved, Permission Play helps them connect, explore, and have fun together in a way that feels safe and exciting.